Terms and Conditions For Call and Collect Using Credit Card As Payment Via Rbank’s Virtual Terminal



1.1.Robinsons True Serve Hardware Philippines, Inc. owns and operates all True Value Branches

2.2. Charges for the True Value products purchased will appear as ‘True Value’ and the store name (e.g. True Value Shangri-La) on your credit card statement.

3.3. When using credit card via Robinson’s Bank Virtual Terminal in paying Call and Collect orders, you confirm that you have read and understood all the terms and conditions expressed herein and voluntarily agree to be bound thereby with all applicable laws, statues and regulations. Robinson’s True Value Inc reserves the right to refuse or suspend service to any person at any time based on reasonable grounds at the sole discretion of Robinsons True Serve Hardware Philippines, Inc.

4.4. The Company reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time, in the Company’s sole discretion, by posting any such amendment(s) onto the Website without prior or separate notice.


2.1. When paying using the Rbank’s Virtual Terminal, you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts and agree, without limitations or qualification, to be bound by the Terms and Conditions.

2.2. Customer must provide accurate, complete and up to date credit card information in the link provided. The Company is authorized to assume that any person paying through the online credit card services of Rbank with Customer’s details either the Customer himself/herself or is authorized to act for the Customer.

2.3. The Company has the absolute discretion to refuse or terminate payment of any customer for any reason whatsoever.

2.4. If a Customer fails to make any payment in full pursuant to the payment term elected, the Company shall be entitled to cancel the order or suspend delivery of the products unless and until payment is made in full.


3.1. The Company may cancel a payment if the transaction is unsuccessful or for any other reason as the Company may deem appropriate and necessary, such as but not limited to, cases of fraudulent transactions.

3.2 Customer will be notified if a transaction has been cancelled.

3.3. Any concerns regarding the products may be sent to


The company hereby adopts all existing and applicable consumer laws relative to return/refund of item/s. In addition to that, return/refund of item shall be subject to further conditions such as:

4.1. duly supported by a tape receipt of the said merchandise.

4.2. Returned at the branch where the item was originally purchased

4.3. Returned with complete tags, labels with no defect or damaged except for items with visible factory defects.

4.4. For refund, this will be requested for reversal. The amount will be added back to the credit limit of the customer for a minimum of two weeks.


We are committed to safeguard the privacy of individual. We make sure that our policies and practices in relation to collection, use retention, transfer and access of personal data comply with the requirements of the Data Protections Act and the relevant rules and regulations. By accessing and using Order Online, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of Robinsons True Serve Hardware Philippines, Inc. policy as may be found in its website at

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